Symptom treatment rarely leads to true healing.

A systems approach seeks to get to the root of illness, treating the whole person.

Our services

We desire to see Functional Medicine available to all who understand the value of this care. In keeping with that aim, our clinic accepts fees based on a sliding scale, as funds allow. Matching funds are available through local partners and Church of the Resurrection, Clarksville. Please let us know if you would like to apply to this program. In addition to this, we also provide invoices for insurance reimbursement. Although reimbursement rates are high, individual insurance companies will vary.

Why don’t we bill your insurance company? While we appreciate the aim of medical insurance and fully support its uses, we have a different goal. Our goal is truly flourishing, whereas health insurance is there to help manage illness. These are different aims, and often medical insurance does not pay for services designed to help achieve optimal health. Our objective is to serve our local community, and our non-profit status allows us to keep rates at less than half the national average.


Foundational Functional Medicine

Intake Appointment

It all begins with your story. During your first visit we review your history together, perform vitals, Heart Rate Variability, and Body Composition testing, and other exams as needed. We then collaborate on our next steps based on your unique needs.



Well Visit/Periodic Follow Up

During the course of treatment, we often need a quick follow-up with a basic lab review, a short course of lab orders, testing or an exam. Our Well Visits are functional in nature and are designed to help your child reach optimal wellness.


Comprehensive Lab Review

Taking what we have learned from laboratory studies, history, and exams, we start to get a clear picture of the underlying cause of illness. As this picture becomes clear, we develop a plan together. With this plan, we make decisive steps towards your wellness goals.



E - Visits

E-Visits allow us to communicate in a HIPPA-secure way and are within your medical record. If the in-portal E-Visit needs to be converted into telehealth or in-person, there will be no E-visit fee. These visits are best for new symptoms or lab orders.



Specialized Programs


A two-month, 3 visit program. These visits give an in-depth look at your health history as well as labs and exams to help uncover the root cause and give you concrete steps forward. This is great for someone who wants to maintain their own primary care physician and yet seeks a specialized functional approach to help give insight into their health and jump-start a new beginning.


RISEN 1000

The family is the foundation of a strong community. With this in mind, RISEN wellness has a specific passion for helping expectant moms and their babies achieve wellness. Utilizing the latest research and traditional care, we provide holistic wellness starting as early as conception and lasting through the two-year well visit. Please Click Here to learn more!


Health Coaching

A 30-day program. Assessment-based coaching with a personalized road map. Our program includes daily check-ins with our health coach that will help you develop habits through accountability that truly help you reach your goals.


*These costs represent what you will be charged for the visits themselves. Labs ordered from outside companies if needed or desired would be separate.


“Finally, after so many years of living with chronic illness, he was able to get to the root of the problem and help me turn it around. He was even able to help prevent my children from suffering in the same way I did. After so many years and so many doctors, I am now my happiest, healthiest self”

— Nicole

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.